OSINT GEO Profiler Platform

Identify the social profiles of people located in specific geographical locations, anywhere in the world.


Set up GEO Profiler with Pre-Defined Parameters

Select the exact location you'd like to monitor along with required age, gender and ethnicity.


Automatic GEO Profiling Around-the-Clock

Define ongoing, geo-monitoring criteria for any target location around the world.


AI Face-Recognition & Social Link Analysis

Detect faces and connections between all persons located within the specified geo-location.


Import & Export Data

Easily transfer or integrate collected data to external intelligence and investigation applications.

Fast Analysis of Target Audiences Located in Specific GEO Location

Quickly generate actionable insights to gain real-time control over threats in any sensitive location.

Centralized GEO Monitoring Platform

The ESPY Geo Profiler is a location-based solution, used to identify the social profiles of people located in specific geographical locations anywhere in the world.

GEO Monitoring

Continuously monitor a chosen polygon anywhere in the world in real-time, to identify social profiles of people in the area.

GEO Profiling

Generate highly accurate and reliable profiling data, of people in sensitive locations.

AI Analysis & Alerting

Further investigate and solve cases with a full suite of AI analysis and smart alerting engine.

GEO Profiling Solutions for Real-Life Scenarios

Customized solutions that meet the unique needs of different industries and use cases